The Board of Directors
the assistance of people interested in the history of exploration and
aviation, Karen Angel founded the JIMMIE ANGEL HISTORICAL PROJECT (JAHP)
in 1996, Federal Tax Number 68-0372407. The JAHP is incorporated in the
State of California as a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, public benefit
corporation to foster research and to provide accurate information about
aviator-explorer James “Jimmie” Crawford Angel (1899-1956), his friends
and associates, and their era of exploration with an emphasis on
exploration in Venezuela during the 1920s through the 1940s.
Venezuelan Carlos A. Freeman took this photo of Angel Falls
from Jimmie Angel's airplane on 1 May 1939. It and a companion photo of
Angel Falls were the first published photographs of Angel Falls
appearing in"Exploración de la Gran Sabana," Revista de Fomento, No. 19,
December 1939.
maintains an archive of photographs, documents and published materials
that is shared by appointment with journalists, filmmakers, museum
curators, teachers and students.
works in cooperation with individuals, organizations, and governmental
agencies that are interested in the preservation of Jimmie Angel’s
airplane El Rio Caroni which is a national monument in Venezuela. With proper conservation El Rio Caroni will be preserved for future generations to see.
Angel, founder of the JIMMIE ANGEL HISTORICAL PROJECT (JAHP) and the
President of the JAHP Board of Directors, is the daughter of Jimmie
Angel’s youngest brother Clyde Marshall Angel (1917-1997).
Karen writes, “When
I was about eight years old, my father presented me with a beautifully
wrapped gift. I was disappointed to find that the wrappings contained an
empty album. He told me that my task was to collect and keep the Angel
Family History, especially the history of his oldest brother Jimmie
Angel. It troubled him that there were many stories about his brother
that were not true and other stories that did not seem plausible to him.
I must have disappointed my father by not taking up the task when he
gave me the album.
forty years later I was struck with the desire to travel to Venezuela
to see Angel Falls. While there in 1994, I met many Venezuelans who were
familiar with Jimmie Angel. What was astonishing to me was that almost
everyone I met in Venezuela had heard of him. In the United States, I
had met very few people who knew his name or about Angel Falls.
Venezuelans had learned about his explorations in school, others had
heard the stories about him from family and friends. Some thought he was
still living in the jungles of Venezuela. The enthusiasm I encountered
from Venezuelans about Jimmie Angel and my desire to fulfill my father’s
request were the catalysts for my effort to gather accurate information
about Jimmie Angel.”
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